Dazed8 is blowing it out with their lates mushroom line: Shrumfuzed. Each package contains 10 legal mushroom chocolates, infused with their nootropic blend designed for Relaxation, Euphoria, an Awakening experience, or full melt mode depending on how many gummies are taken!
Flavor Profile:
Available in an assortment of flavors including:
- Dark Chocolate
- Dark Chocolate Crunch
- White Chocolate
Expect very potent euphoric effects. Tends to start as an uplifting euphoria before transforming into a full body, relaxing sensation.
Serving Content:
1 Chocolate - Happy Relaxation
2 Chocolates - Beginner's Euphoria
3 Chocolates - Full Awakening Experience
4 Chocolates - Full Melt Mode
**Effect Differ Per Person, Start With 1/2 Piece**
Corn Syrup, Sugar, Corn Starch, Pectin, Natural and Artficial Colors and flavoring, proprietary nootropic mushroom blend, lion's mane extract, reishi extract, chug extract, and cordycep extract.